Alright, so a short while back I mentioned on here that my dear DH is a stitcher, also. I tried to get a picture of his TW Celestial Dragon project, but he informed me that he got mad at it and THREW IT AWAY!! Oy, the horror! The good news is that he has purchased new fabric that he's happier with and he fully intends to restart it in the near future. So, I'll show you all his current project instead. This is a small kit he found at Hobby Lobby and really liked. This one is a kit by Dimensions called Mariner's Light. Here's what the finished product will look like:
And here's what DH's progress looks like:
As for my stitchy updates, I've made some progress on WWoG. Here's a before and after:
WWoG 9/11/12 |
.jpg) |
WWoG 9/28/12 |
Right now, I basically only take WWoG back and forth to work with me. At home, I've pulled out Olde Tyme Santa and started working on it again. Now that the weather is cooling off (sort of) and I'm starting to think of Fall, Winter, and the Christmas season, I have an itch to stitch some seasonal things again. Hopefully, Santa will see a finish before Christmas this year. Here's a before and after:
Olde Tyme Santa 2/26/12 |
Olde Tyme Santa 9/28/12 |
I hope everyone enjoyed their week. I'm looking ahead to a busy weekend, but I'm hoping to sneak some stitching time in somewhere. The big dog goes to the groomer in the morning, which will give us time to get our groceries and the like while we wait on him to get finished. He's a Saint Bernard, so it normally takes them about 3-4 hours to finish him up. Then on Sunday it's off to a new church about 2 hours away to watch our DD's boyfriend be baptized. We'll be home from that just in time for a family fall cookout at our church, which will have us out and busy until the late evening. I hope everyone else has an equally satisfying weekend planned :)
As if I need another project...
I just saw this on the Beach Cottage Stitchers website and I HAVE. TO. HAVE. IT.
It's an automatic that will be coming soon. The stand will be available also. I've already sent them my info and requested to be notified as soon as the series begins. go and convince my husband that owning this is necessary for my existence...
I'm late this month with my Blog Hop post, but better late than never I guess. This time the topic is:
"What has been your favorite project to stitch? (either finished or in progress) "
I would have to say my favorite, so far, would have to be the last Mirabilia I stitched, Faerie Treasures. The calming colors, the flow of the design, and the message of 'Hope' came at a time in my life when I needed calm, flow and hope. I have never been prouder of a finished project :) Here she is, ready for framing:
She was a very easy and smooth stitch and I plan to start my next Mirabilia very soon.
Visit all the blogs in this round of the Stitching the Night Away Stitching Blogger Blog Hop:
Find the instructions on how to participate in this round by clicking here.
...FAITH!! Congratulations, Faith! You will soon be the proud owner of the HAED pattern of your choice! :) Please provide me with your email address so I can get your prize to you before HAED Appreciation Week is over.
Thank you to all who entered and I'm sure I'll be giving this giveaway thing another go in the near future. Stay tuned...
Stitchy updates to come later. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
...I've been neglectful of my blog updates. My apologies for my temporary disappearance. Now that my wonderfully relaxing stitch-filled weekend is over, I can take a minute to check in with everyone and let you know where I've gotten with my current projects. Thanks to everyone who has taken time to comment, drop by and visit, or give a follow. I appreciate each of you so much!
For those of you asking/commenting
on my last post: Yes, my DH does stitch. I taught him a couple of years
ago after he noticed how much it relaxed me and because we have similar
tastes in patterns. He really liked the wizard I was stitching at the time and asked
me to show him how to "do that". I did. He's a super-fast learner and is
already a phenomenal stitcher. His first 'real' project? TW's Celestial
Dragon...and it looks GREAT!! He has that one put away for now because
he's working around the house a lot and mainly stitches smalls when he as free
time, but I'll have him pull it out so I can take a photo of it and share
with you all. If he'll let me. (He thinks he's no good, lol).
As for my updates, I restarted Cabriolet. For some reason, it wasn't feeling right to me when I started so I frogged the few stitches (like 20, or so) that I had done and began again. In the exact same place. With the exact same Q-snap placement. But, somehow, it feels 'right' this time. Does this happen to anyone but me? Maybe it's my OCD rearing its head... Anyway, here's a progress pic:
I also picked back up on Wondrous Works of God and put in several hundred more stitches on it over the weekend. Saturday was the first day in months (!) that we haven't had to be somewhere/do something/clean up something (dumb storm)/etc. so I enjoyed every minute of sitting on the couch, footstool up, and stitching away. Unfortunately, that usually means another weekend like that won't come around again for another half-decade, lol! Here's where WWoG was before the weekend:
And here's where I left off last night:
We watched The Hunger Games last night and I tried to get some stitching done during the movie, but I kept finding myself with needle frozen in midair, staring intently at the screen...sometimes for what felt like an eternity. Needless to say, it's a good movie to watch, but not to stitch through :)
I'm looking forward to having more time to stitch during the week now that Whitney's softball season is over. Next comes volleyball (since she elected to pass on cheerleading this year), but that doesn't start up until December. Then it's back to work all day, sports all night. I'm sure many of you can relate!
For those of you that have made it to this point in the post, REMINDER: My HAED Appreciation Week Giveaway ends tonight at midnight, CST. If you haven't entered yet, and would like a chance to win a pattern of your choice from HAED, here is the original post. Simply leave a comment on the original Giveaway post and tomorrow, September 12th, I'll be drawing a single winner.
Good Luck to all who enter and have a wonderfully productive stitchy day!!
Aaaahhhhh...that's just how I feel after this long weekend of rainy weather, shopping, and doing nothing that I didn't want to do. Like many of you stateside, DH and I took advantage of the Labor Day sale at Joann's and scored a big 'ol pile of floss (among other things) for next to nothing. You can't beat 4/$1.00...and now our DMC stash is full again :) The lady at Joann's not only honored their in-store 40% off one item coupon, but also the coupon for 15% off our total purchase that we got via text message on our phones. Here's a peek at what we ended up with:
We ended up with 6 organizer boxes (bought at Wal-mart, but threw em in the pic because, well, they're stash too, lol), 2 needle cases (one for me - one for DH), a small kit (DH's), 2 packs of paper bobbins, a 20 x 24 pkg of ice blue 28 ct. Monaco, and 58 skeins of floss. All this for a grand total of...well, under $40. More stuff that we may not live long enough to use, but we have it, dammit!!
I do have a few stitchy updates, but I haven't had a chance to get any update pics, so that will have to wait for another post. Also, DH has a small finish that he's most proud of, so I'll be sure to include a pic of that as well :)
Ok, now, on to the good stuff... A GIVEAWAY!! As most of you have heard, Michelle over at Heaven and Earth Designs is in danger of having to close her business due to the ongoing battle with copyright infringement. As a result, there is an organized effort to help Michelle by observing HAED Appreciation Week from Sept. 10th - 14th. DH and I have already decided to buy (at least) one pattern each during that week in order to do our part. Here's where YOU come in...
I have decided to conduct a giveaway for the HAED pattern of the winner's choice, to be purchased during HAED Appreciation Week!! All you have to do is enter by leaving a comment below and include the name of the HAED pattern you would like, if you should win. I will take entries until Midnight on September 11. Drawing will be held on September 12. All entries, International included, are welcome! Please make sure I have a way to contact you, in case you win.
It won't gain you any extra entries (because I'm doing good to count by ones, most of the time) but if you'd like to post this giveaway on your own blog, please feel free to do so, as I'd love to get the word out as much as possible to help the great folks over at HAED. Best of Luck to everyone and I'm looking very forward to being able to help out Michelle, as well as one of you lovely folks, by patronizing HAED as much as possible next week and, hopefully, long into the future!
Enjoy the rest of your week, everyone. Happy Stitching!!